I am not in favour of the proposed Energy recovery Facility. The principle reasons for objection are detailed below: i) The proposed site is a rural location with rural roads to approach it. The number of additional (estimated at over 450 per week) HGV traffic movements to the site through our rural village is not acceptable and makes the Twinwoods site an unsustainable option. This extra traffic through Milton Ernest would have a very significant impact in terms of both noise and pollution. ii) In addition levels of construction traffic is estimated to produce an additional 140 HGV movements per day during construction. This is also unacceptable. iii) The proposed site is meant to be for locally produced waste but is not located near to the centre of the source of the waste stream (Bedford Borough and Central Beds). iv) I am not convinced of the proven safety of the process as demonstrated in recent closures of a similar plant on the Isle of Wight because of toxic emissions. v) Yarl’s Wood, the Immigration Detention Centre, is within 200 yds of this proposed site. The health of over 500 people who live and work here is potentially being placed at risk. vi) Policy CP24 of the Bedford Core Strategy plan aims to protect and enhance the quality and character of the landscape, but the nature and scale of the development will not be appropriate within the wider landscape and the visual impact of the tallest construction on this site is not acceptable. vii) The proposed strategic long term development for the whole site is to encourage high tech clean businesses to re-locate to Twinwoods Business Park We do not believe that this proposal fits well along side that strategic long term development plan.