Incapacitated persons liberty and due process rights
Chiara S Zannino 0

Incapacitated persons liberty and due process rights

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Chiara S Zannino 0 Comments
13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The time has come to reform the American Guardian System.Primarily these disabled people are abused through the court system medicaid as well as assuming to make the right decisions as a parent mother guardian..My child has been discriminated by not being allowed representation by any state employees and attorneys .When your not guilty of a crime you have no rights to representation.All came to my fight on apersonal injury my daughter sustained and i became pro se litigant.See Ramirez v Matawan..I beat the judge and the system and did the right thing by putting her money in a special needs account.Big mistake..The money is for soley her needs and am not recieving being slandered abused by the special needs for this wheelchair bound epileptic daughter rights to buy necessities for her motor function mental awareness as well as recreational...Never mind they think they own this money She won a lawsuit they get medicaid involved which is not permissible by law Please know by you signing and assisting to clarify a women 34 years old disabled has the right to enjoy her life Agreed

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