In support of Zoning and Land Amendment change for TMK (4) 2-3-004-006
An Applicant has applied for a zoning change of TMK (4) 2-3-004-006 approximately 3.26 acres, from Agriculture (A) to Residential (R-1) and requests a State Land Use District Boundary Amendment from Agriculture District to Rural District. Please see Attached Map Puu Road for location.
We the undersigned, are citizens who urge the Kaua'i County Planning Commission to ALLOW this zoning Change. This zoning change is a logical extension of an existing community, surrounded by residential and agricultural zoning and is completely appropriate for the neighborhood. This land was entrusted to all of us, we adamantly support this request for reclassification zoning change of TMK (4) 2-3-004-006
Please include your address or Town in the Comment Section.