In Support of the Freedom to Teach and Learn About the Religion of Islam

We, the parents and students of Williamson County, Tennessee public schools, representing many and varied faiths and creeds, including some faiths and creeds that may conflict with the tenets of the religion of Islam, do nevertheless hereby express our support for the teaching of the beliefs, practices and other salient aspects of Islam in our social studies and/or world history classrooms.
We are confident that our teachers and school administrations will be fully responsive to any concerns we and others might have regarding the educational materials used in the course of said teaching, including but not limited to the reasonable provision of any such materials for parental review upon due and proper request.
To that end, we strongly oppose any attempts to harass, browbeat or otherwise intimidate our teachers, administrators and our system at large in a manner that hinders their efforts to educate students with regard to the teaching of Islam as it pertains to the study of social studies and the history of our world.
We therefore hereby declare our support for Williamson County Schools with regard to any efforts it undertakes consistent with the foregoing principles, including but not limited to standing firm against attempted abuses of the Tennessee Open Records Act by any person who or entity that is not a "citizen of this state." T.C.A. § 10-7-503(2)(A).