In Support of Smiley and West

Dear Mr. Malatia,
We who have signed this petition wish to reach out to WBEZ and yourself with the hopes we might convince you to reconsider WBEZ's decision to drop the Smiley and West Show.
We believe strongly that Smiley and West provide a vital alternative perspective which does much to fully round out WBEZ's already exceptional weekly programming. With regards to coverage of issues confronting people of challenging social or economic situations, no other show, in our opinion, is as insightful, intellectual, accurate, or often times as entertaining as Smiley and West.
We hope that an organization such as WBEZ, which has an exemplary history of covering issues of importance to people of all socio-economic and racial backgrounds, might reconsider the decision to remove the Smiley and West Show and return this greatly cherished and genuinely important weekly program to Chicago's public airwaves.
Thank you for your consideration.