Impeach Tom Corbett

Whereas the current natural gas drilling operations into the Marcellus Shale within the borders of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are generating vast amounts of toxic waste which is being carelessly and recklessly introduced into our water resources, thereby destroying the viability and potability of the water resources of the Commonwealth.....
Whereas these toxins are of such a nature to cause serious disability, deformity and death to those who ingest, bathe, or otherwise come in contact with them; that these toxins can and will cause increases in birth defects in offspring and cancers within humans, livestock and fauna at epidemic proportions; and that those who are polluting our water resources do so in full knowledge and with willful disregard of the effects of their actions.....
Whereas Thomas W. Corbett, present Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has decreed and/or implied that he will decrease or remove regulations governing against the poisoning of our citizenry and natural resources by these drilling operations; that he will allow increased drilling operations on hitherto-uncontaminated state lands, forests, and parks; that he will attempt to remove a severance tax on natural gas drilling operations that is meant to fund the regulation and monitoring of the toxins generated by said operations and to fund decontamination and rehabilitation of our natural resources that have been degraded by said operations; that he will use the powers available in his position as Governor of Pennsylvania to aid and assist the natural gas drilling companies in avoiding responsibility for their despoiling and degradation of the shared water resources of the Commonwealth.....
We, the free citizens of Pennsylvania, hereby direct our elected representatives in the Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to bring impeachment proceedings against Thomas W. Corbett, the present Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for his blatant and criminally negligent refusal to uphold the constitutional rights of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to pure water and for aiding and abetting felonious crimes against the people, livestock, wildlife, and natural resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.