Improved Transport Links for LCI- Bus Stop at Orchard Place

We are requesting that an additional bus stop at Orchard Place is added to the D3 bus route. There is currently no bus stop serving the residents around this area even though there has been (and will continue to be) a huge increase in residential properties here.
The D3 is a bus that currently goes from Mulberry Place (town hall) to Canary Wharf and then points west including Wapping & Whitechapel.
We understand that from mid-May it will go down Blackwall Way past the East India DLR station, past IBIS the hotel and then onto Canary Wharf (it will skip Aspen Way).
We also understand that the route is currently not planned to serve Orchard Place, it will just go around the Leamouth roundabout.
We believe that this a big missed opportunity. The area around Orchard Place has until now had few residents, as it was a brownfield site, but that is now changing.
Over 1,000 people have recently moved into to the new development (London City Island) 100 yards away from Orchard Place.
Over the next 18 months, over 2,000 more people will be moving into London City Island, when another 1,366 flats are completed. 768 apartments are soon to open in Orchard Place.
A large number of these are social housing residents who have no access to parking and are very reliant on public transport.
Many of the tenants work in Canary Wharf, so a direct bus stop would be of great benefit to them.
We believe that this is a fantastic opportunity to add one extra bus stop, that will serve thousands of people, especially when Crossrail opens, and add only a few minutes to the journey.
It will also help to ease pressure at Canning Town tube station. Trains from Canning Town to Carnary Wharf are already overcrowded in the mornings, so a bus stop at Orchard Place offers a viable alternative.
For these reasons, we ask you to consider putting a bus stop in Orchard Place when the new bus route starts in May.