Improve the Deer Herd in North Carolina
stephen Graf 0

Improve the Deer Herd in North Carolina

111 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
stephen Graf 0 Comments
111 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The purpose of this petition is simply to let the Wildlife Resource Agency and commissioners know that there are many hunters who would like to see something done to help improve the quality of bucks in North Carolina. WRC studies have shown that a lack of quality bucks is a "barrier" to increasing the number of deer hunters in North Carolina. If hunters are to be expected to harvest more deer, we need to recruit more deer hunters. Improving the quality of bucks will help accomplish this goal for the WRC, as well as meet the desires of deer hunters. Therefore we ask the WRC to accept at least 1 of the following proposals: Proposal 1- Change the allotted buck tags from 2 to 1 in Central and Western wildlife districts, and from 4 to 2 in Eastern wildlife districts. Proposal 2- Require that the 2nd (3rd or 4th) bucks be required to have a minimum outside spread of 14 inches, or approximate "ear width" spread. (NO antler restrictions for the first buck harvested.)


North Carolina Bowhunters Association

Links - Please visit our website to learn about all the things the North Carolina Bowhunters Association does for conservation and bowhunting in North Carolina.


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