Improve North Kessler Manor Electricity Reliability
North Kessler Manor, a neighborhood situated between 56th and Kessler Blvd and Keystone and Rural, has unreliable electricity. Parts of our neighborhood lose electricity when we have normal rain or on windy days. An IPL contractor who was out repairing a line over a year ago mentioned that our neighborhood has the 'old copper lines' that are fragile and need to be replaced. Given that the neighbors across Keystone (to the west) and across Rural (to the east) rarely lose power, it makes it even more frustrating when we are all sitting in the dark because we know it is preventable. We would like to request that IPL review their records of outages in our neighborhood and communicate with our neighborhood about plans for addressing this issue. We have listed just a few of the notable outages below.
8/11/20 - 10 hours
4/8/20 - 16 hours
3/19/20 - 6 hours
10/8/19 - 9.5 hours
8/18/19 - 14 hours