Implement solar panels on the roofs of PSU dorm buildings

Did you know that over 12.2 trillion watts
of free energy hits our planet every hour? That's 20,000 times more energy than
the world consumes per year! Solar power is the future of affordable, clean,
and renewable energy. Penn State can utilize the sun's power to assist powering
our dorms buildings. By installing solar panels to the roofs, energy costs can
be saved and Penn State will be doing its part in keeping our planet clean and
How it'll work: Dorm building roofs are currently free unused space. By placing solar panels on the roof, free energy can come from free space! State College has sunlight radiating on it year round and even on cloudy days, a portion of solar light can still be harnessed. Regardless of the weather, solar energy can be used to offset the dorm energy costs.
By signing below, we hereby agree to verbally promote Penn State campuses installation of solar panels and to petition Penn State Administration to implement solar panels on the roofs of dorm buildings.