Impeach Obama Now

The president of the United States of America, works for the people; the people, do not work for the president. As I watched the news today I saw Heugo Chavez talking about, "the smell of sulfur was gone." And how he wished President Obama would be president for life. I think that President Obama would like to be president for life, as well. This is the United States of America; that is not how it works here. The People have the right to know whats going on in their government. The president does not have the right to tell a company, to not tell its customers of a change in their service. The President, does not have the right to stop the people from knowing what is in a law that they will be expected to obey. The president cannot just thumb his nose at congress, or the constitution, and not expect there to be consequences. Unlike the rest of the world; the United States of America is a country of laws, laws that the PEOPLE have decided on, voted on; WE THE PEOPLE, have a constitution, a Bill of Rights. WE THE PEOPLE, have a right to free speech. WE THE PEOPLE, understand that freedom is not free; freedom is paid for with blood and treasure. Yes, in the United States of America, a black man can become president; but red, yellow, brown, or whatever color you are, here you are expected to follow the law. Just ask Richard Nixon! The president is supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer. The people of the United States, have a legal recourse. I hope, and pray, that President Obama will see the error of his ways, and change; but based on these first six months, or so - it ain't looking good. If you think, that our president is doing a good job; don't sign my partition. If, on the other hand you agree with me, put your sign name down. And pray, pray to whatever god you believe in cause we are going to need all the help we can get. Thanks for Listening, and if you have the money, donate to these good people, who provided this service for free.