Impeach The Biden Administration

The Biden Administration is under fire for election fraud. Audits are currently being conducted. Numerous mail in ballots being mailed with no record, scanning the same ballots over and over, using markers that bled through the paper then got sent to adjudication, counting that stopped on election night then resumed at four in the morning in swing states, the deceased still on ballot rolls. These are just some of the voter fraud allegations.
We're being told there is a pandemic yet we've been lied to on the viral transmission. A virus needs a cell to replicate therefore, outside of a host a virus is ineffective.
The pcr test was never intended for infection detection but identifying purposes.
As far as the vaccination, there are minimal studies at best on the effectiveness of the vaccination, especially when it has been out under a year yet The Biden Administration is pushing a vaccination. The food and drug administration has approved foods made with genetic engineering, containers lined with bpa, a cancer causing chemical, they approve water with less than optimal ph levels but they push for an untested vaccination.
Now the Biden Administration has allowed a border crisis to escalate and with illegal aliens crossing the border, not getting tested, not getting a vaccination yet the American government is doing everything to mandate without technically mandating these very same requirements for the American people, the American people continue to lose liberties. Countless lives are at risk if this continues.
The Biden Administration now has put the entire world at the highest level of terror with the withdrawal of soldier's in Afghanistan. Criminal groups have regained power, killing there own and anybody not standing with the criminals. The Biden Administration is a threat to the entire world excluding the findings on his son's laptop which include drug activities, international affairs.
We must impeach the entire Biden Administration right now. Where are the politicians and why aren't they calling for this? The Biden Administration has not abided by the Oath of the Constitution to protect the American people. Not only should the Biden Administration be removed but should be imprisoned for there crimes.