Impeach Obama
Whereas President Barack Obama has duly sworn to obey all United States laws and uphold the United States Constitution and: 1- Whereas the president has multiple times refused to order enforcement of laws enacted to control & prevent illegal entry of aliens to the United States. 2- Whereas the president has neglected to order and effectively followup investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice to determine what felonies have been committed by Internal Revenue Service employees who have been accused before Congress of illegally targeting conservative groups to intentionally delay and withhold tax exemption status under Internal Revenue Tax Codes. 3- Whereas the president has failed to support and demand Congressional investigation of U.S. State Department and military employees involved in monitoring but not responding to terrorist attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya in September 2012, thereby preventing available military resources from performing their sworn duties to defend and protect American citizens and government employees. 4- Whereas the president has signed and passed the Affordable Health Care Act in the year 2010, thereby ignoring the wishes and demands of a majority of American citizens who opposed such a bill and whereas the president, following the enactment of this bill has boldly provided exemptions of provisions of this bill to multiple manufacturing, financial businesses and individuals, including exemption of members of the U.S. Congress who wrote and passed this "train wreck", as well as other government employees and whereas it is widely known by the general public that the provisions of this law will not be enacted on October 1, 2013, as required under the law and whereas insurance companies participating in this program will require insured organizations and citizens to pay for contraceptives and abortions which are strictly prohibited by the doctrine of well known and established religious organizations and whereas, contrary to the promises of the president and members of congress, the individual costs of this "insurance" will greatly exceed the current insurance costs of millions of Americans. 5- Whereas the U.S. economy has suffered severely under the administration of the president for four and one half years while promoting "green" business ventures and providing them with billions of tax payer dollars most of which have ultimately failed and whereas the president has consistently promised to support and expand our energy independence, the president has in fact consistently supported Environmental Protection Agency measures to intercede and prevent the growth of our energy supplies and whereas the president has consistently promised to support policies which would foster employment, the president has in fact done nothing in this regard, leaving over 15,000,000 people unemployed in our country. 6-Whereas the president has often stated his displeasure with the United States Constitution being outdated and in need of an overhaul and whereas the members of the U.S. Congress, having also been sworn to uphold and defend the laws of the United States, we the undersigned do hereby support and demand the Congressional Impeachment of President Barack Hussein Obama, under the articles of The United States Constitution.