Motion to Vacate the Chair to Nancy Pelocy for Treason

For crimes against the American People by placing lives in danger going against POTUS Trump in regards to Coronavirus and the COVID-19 strain, The Constitution of the United States. misusing Social Security and taxpayer funds, going against your Oath of Office. I hereby request Nancy Pelosi be arrested on the charge of Treason, all her assets gained through her political career to go into the Social Security account as repayment of misappropriation of funds.
For delaying the CARES ACT and adding many clauses unrelated to the virus pandemic costing taxpayers undue debt.
Hence forth any Politician that goes against the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Constitutional Amendments or Oath of Office must on the spot be Arrested for Treason against the American People. Each new Bill must stay on topic and should anything not directly dealing with that topic be immediately stricken and a complete rewrite where every member of Congress must remain in Session until that Bill passes staying directly on topic.
I also call for changes to Congress. From this moment forth all Politicians must follow all laws of The United States. They must use their own labor to pay their own social security taxes, Medicare taxes, federal taxes, local taxes and Medicaid taxes. They only receive pay when actively in the Capital Building and in session from the American People through our taxes. Once they leave office each politician must work in the private sector and pay every tax and follow every law. They are unable to touch their retirement or pension until the age of 65 or whatever they deemed the Retirement age of the rest of the country to be.
Congress may no longer take any money from Social Security unless it directly goes to those that placed the money into the account through their Social Security taxes.