Close the border and remove illegals TODAY
Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Do NOT just sign this. SEND IT to everyone you know. OUR silence LET the ELECTED officials do this TO US.
Over the course of the last month, while your elected officials have been arguing over which amnesty program to approve, MORE THAN 250,000 illegals have crossed our borders - BECAUSE of the considerations of amnesty.
This is a petition to reinforce to our elected officials that we WILL NOT continue allowing them to sacrifice OUR FUTURES, financed through OUR work, to the benefit of those who are CRIMINALLY trespassing on OUR NATION\'S PRIVATE PROPERTY.
For the past 40 years our electorate has engaged in what has now become a dangerous tipping point in the immigration policy. It is in our silence that these officials have allowed our borders to be overrun with illegal immigrants that are causing nearly irreparable damage to our economic systems, social programs, and the fundamental basis that ours is a society of laws and civility.
This petition is to be sent directly to each elected member of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It is our CIVIL show in numbers of our deep resentment of their inability to act on our behalf, and to remind them that they serve ONLY at OUR discretion.
I agree with this posting 100%.
This is NOT about RACE. The United States has an EXTRAORDINARILY fair immigration policy.
We are ONLY requesting that OUR GOVERNMENT enforce our immigration policies and stop GIVING away WHAT WE ARE PAYING FOR.
Illegal Immigration is destroying the very social programs that we\'re paying for AND will soon/ultimately depend on, as the primary tax-paying public.
Without EFFECTIVE and ABSOLUTE action, the very life and opportunity that we value and work for each and every day will not be sustainable under the immense burden of an uneducated and non-contributing population.
We ONLY have a limited time to act on this. Each and every day THOUSANDS are crossing our border and using our systems of laws and civil rights to benefit themselves, as ILLEGALS ALIENS, at the expense of US, the law-abiding contributors who are BUILDING the very society that ILLEGALS are choosing to STEAL. And our ELECTED government is GIVING away. We see their numbers of support in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS; we, each and every one of us who want to protect our way of life and know that through our contributions we can buy our OWN future, do not want, nor should we be burdened with financing the future of those who have done NOTHING to EARN it.
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