James Meehan 0

Immigrants Day

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James Meehan 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Immigrants Day would be a National Day of Observance to commemorate our countries embrace of immigration and its importance to our society through labor, culture and conscience. To be held annually on the Sunday following Saint Patrick's Day (March 17), the day masses celebrate their heritage as the original great wave of United States immigrants. Music, food, walking tours, parades and discussions in public forums to celebrate our vast cultural heritages that form the connective tissue of the American body.

"Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor

Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

The Wretched Refuse of Your Teeming Shore

Send These the Homeless, Tempest Tossed to Me

I Lift My Lamp Beside the Golden Door."

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