Immediate Resignation of TWU Local 591 President Gary Peterson

We the undersigned are calling for the Immediate Resignation of TWU Local 591 President Gary Peterson. As dues paying members in Good Standing of TWU Local 591, we believe that Local 591 President and Union Brother Gary Peterson is not representing the Union Membership in a fair and equitable manner.
With regard, and great concern to the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement, (JCBA) Proposal that has been presented to American Airlines, we feel that the union members classified as T1 Production Aircraft Maintenance Technical Crew Chief, are not being represented in a fair and equitable manner. By calling for the Modification/Elimination of our class and craft we feel that Brother Peterson does not have our best interest at heart. By suggesting the "Elimination" of the TI Technical Crew Chief Class, he is in fact "Condoning" Layoffs in our Union. We in the T1 Technical Crew Chief Class feel that Brother Peterson is making proposals based on emotion, and not in a professional manner as he should be. By calling for the "Elimination" of the T1 Class and Craft, he is in fact creating a "Void" in our membership, that will be filled by management positions. Currently, the roll of the T1 Technical Crew Chief is not only to train, troubleshoot, and assist the Union's Membership in the day to day operation which we do on a daily basis for, and with our Union Brothers, but to assure that our Brothers are always in Compliance with FAA Regulations. Unfortunately the latter is what our Class and Craft has been ensuring as of late, and with the changes that have taken place in our industry, on our part it has become a necessity. This is what we feel Brother Peterson is failing to realize.
In conclusion, with these facts stated we in the T1 Technical Crew Chief Classification feel Brother Peterson should Step Down as Local 591 President. He truly has no interest in protecting jobs, or protecting the Union's membership, but seems to have his personal interest at heart.