Imagination is Important

This petition is for those who think students deserve the right to express themselves. We were once told of how we'd get to leave our legacy on this school, how we would be able to leave behind not just a regular photo in the yearbook, but something true and meaningful. We were lead on to believe that we could leave this school with the memory of us by having a special photo and quote put into the yearbook beside our names. Throughout our lives we've watched as past classes left their own legacies behind. All to be put where later years can come to read them. However, it has come to be that this is no longer true. As I am now a Senior, Boone High School has deprived me of this right in which years past were able to have. This is a tradition, now being broken before our very eyes. Not only have they taken away our choice of a quote beside our photos, they've also created a set of rules in which our photos practically can't look any different than an ordinary school photo. I personally have noticed none of my photos can be used under these rules. Here are the guidelines they laid upon us:
Senior Picture Guidelines:
Photos should be a waist up pose. No full body shots. No hands near facearms and hands should not be above the waist. No knees blocking the body.
Student must be sitting or standing. No photos of students laying on theground.
Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with school dress codeguidelines.
No hand gestures or hand signs. NO props (this includes animals, hats, cars, sunglasses, musical instruments,or other people).
Simple backgrounds work the best. Backgrounds (trees, rocks, columns, etc.) should not block the view of thestudent.
Either indoor or outdoor photos are accepted. Background must be simple and uncluttered. No texture, name stamping, embossing, logo, or date stamp. Photo MUST BE VERTICAL. No horizontal photos.I personally feel these guidelines block me from my freedom to express who I am as a person. They take away the imagination I have within. Even Albert Einstein agrees that imagination is what proves everything we've been taught. It shows that we have grown and are entering our lives as individuals with the intelligence that school has brought us. Without that, there's really no point, because imagination is proof of real intelligence.