Save SAFER's "I love Consensual Sex" Campaign!

Over the last few months, SAFER, Cal Poly's sexual assault risk reduction and awareness program, has been under criticism by certain members of the administration due to the "sexually suggestive" nature of the “I Love Consensual Sex” t-shirts
distributed by SAFER. Allies of sexual assault prevention are taking a stand
against the repression of healthy and positive messages at our university.
If Cal Poly does not permit the university’s name to be printed on the shirt, they are sending a clear message to allies and survivors of sexual assault that messages of risk reduction and recovery are not tolerated at Cal Poly, and also denying messages that promote healthy sexuality. Universities should be places of communicating about controversial issues, and developing tools in building communities that contribute in a real way to the world around us. Help tell the Cal Poly administration that denial of expression and the silencing of educational messages will not be accepted, and that healthy sexuality and consent should be a norm in our university community!
Here are the designs that are displayed on the shirts, with the penal code definition of 'consent' on the back, along with SAFER's website information.
SAFER is housed under the Gender Equity Center in Student Life and Leadership, UU 217. Our website is safer.calpoly.edu.