Keep IGZones.com instead of the new Voobly address.

This petition is made for us that feel that IGZones.com is a more suitable name then voobly(the new site name of IGZ). The IGZ name is perfect for a site that gathers gamers world wide and the anwnser I got when I asked why they changed the name was: "As you point out IGZones was named in reference MSN Gaming Zone. IGZones wasn't a forward looking name as a site that only aspired to be a zone clone wouldn't have much of a future. Voobly is a more creative name in the same vein as sites like Pogo, Google, etc." So I ask again what is so good with the name voogly as a gaming site sure it would work fine as a facebook wannabee site for kids under 16 but not as a gaming site name where the average age of the user is over 30 years. Keep IGZones.com site and name as its but of course with the new and awsome new client that you made.