Iggy Azalea NOH8
The internet can be a fun, learning, and educational source. You can communicate with people all around the world, and find out things you never knew. You can join social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It can be fun, but it can also be harmful. People everyday constantly get bullied and talked about online, all the way from you and I to celeberities. Many people troll in the comment sections and etc., thinking their word do not hurt, but they do. Celeberities have feelings just like you and I, so let's say no to the cyberbullying. We are trying to raise awareness by getting one of the most talked about celeberities online, Iggy Azalea to do a NOH8 campaign shoot. We would like her to do a shoot for the NOH8 program to raise concern and to let people know that stars are just like us, and word hurt! Say no to cyber bullying in general and sign this petition! Spread the word! #IggyAzaleaNOH8 Thank you!