If you care about the future of Alberta please read and sign
Brian Oster 0

If you care about the future of Alberta please read and sign

505 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Brian Oster 0 Comments
505 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The undersigned citizens representing 10000 people or more of the Province of Alberta hereby petition that the Government of Alberta dissolve immediately; and relinquish the government of Alberta over to the official opposition until such time there is a provincial election.

REASON for dissolving the NDP as the Government or Alberta: ___We have seen in the short period of time the NDP has ran the Province of Alberta, as the most reckless and irresponsible manner a party could run a province. The NDP in Alberta in just 6 months have saddled the people of this province with 6.5 Billion in debt with projections going up as high as 18 billion. We cannot afford to risk the next 4 years to see how deep Mrs. Notley and the NDP will take Alberta in to debt.

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