ICT - Stop Wasting
WASALAM ALIKUM Dear Board Members:
We noticed a new installed carpet in Bainbridge Masjid after the Pensacola Masjid. We heard this during the body meeting we thought it was a joke. The question we have is why the carpet was installed in the Bainbridge Masjid? The carpet in the Bainbridge Masjid was in more than decent condition. We contribute to the maintenance fund, Zakat and SADAKA and we would like to know the exact number donated from the family who suggested this wasteful replacement of the carpet and how much this cost us. It is unreasonable to see you fixing things which are not broken, while we have broken windows in class rooms, poor ventilations, and disgusting bathrooms.
Last but not least, this change conflicts with everything we heard during the body meeting. Aren’t we either renovating or rebuilding this Masjid? Isn’t this why we are putting up with the poor conditions in the Masjid, why are we spending money on it now? Someone has to make this clear to the community, please.
May Allah make us amongst those who are working for his sake and not the wasteful?