Save 3 teacher positions at Inter-American Magnet

We, the undersigned members and friends of Inter-American Magnet School request that CPS restore 3 teacher positions to the school budget. Nosotros, los miembros y amigos de la escuela interamericana solicitamos que CPS restaure 3 posiciones de maestros al presupuesto escolar. Such cuts will undermine the quality of this unique and special two way immersion program, which has been a national model of dual language instruction for over 30 years. Optimal success of the program calls for Spanish- and English-speaking children to matriculate at as early an age as possible, that these children be immersed in a predominantly Spanish instructional environment, and that they stay enrolled for at least 5 years (ideally prek through 8th grade). To achieve this, the school uses the funds that the Board proposes cutting to fund teacher salaries for full-day kindergarten and half-day preschool for 4-year-olds. In reality, more funds than we presently receive are needed to expand and enhance our immersion environmentâ