I support SF2239 Violent Habitual Offender Bill & HF2399

I support SF23 Violent Habitual Offender Bill and believe that violent repeat offenders should be help accountable. I support the passage of SF23 Violent Habitual Offender Bill and want my local legislators to pay attention and act in good faith to support local constituents. I want my local legislator to pass this bill in an effort to meet the goals of truth in sentencing, offender accountability, strengthening punishment, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, preventing re-victimization, justice and security for victims and improving the criminal justice system. SF23 Violent Habitual Offender Bill is needed and necessary.
The absence of such a bill is allowing dangerous violent offenders to re-enter society, sometimes unmonitored, risking the safety of the community and at the same time allowing the offender access to new victims. This represents a clear danger to community members, because the offenders have demonstrated a lifestyle choice of violence. Tougher sentencing for violent habitual offenders will provide both punishment and deterrence, while keeping the community ad prior victims safe from additional violence.
This bill makes sense for victims, it makes sense for the community and it makes sense for Iowa.