"I support Raymond Vineyards"
I support Raymond Vineyards Modified Use Permit, which is being heard by the Napa County Planning Department on July 16th, 2014. This hearing is intended to resolve Raymond Vineyards long-delayed Use Permit modification. Raymond Vineyards has made a major change versus the original 2012 plan: They have decided for now to drop their request to increase the winery’s production capacity. The focus of this July 16th hearing will be on general site improvements as well as proposed updates to the winery's Marketing Plan.
Raymond Vineyards has a strong commitment to educating guests at their 90 acre Bio-Dynamic and Organic Estate Vineyard. On the property, they have dedicated two acres to the Theater of Nature while also dedicating a full room to the 11 Napa Valley Appellations’ soil types surrounding a three-dimensional map of Napa Valley. Also, last year Raymond Vineyards added enough solar to power the entire Raymond Winery facility, while also adding an electrical car charging station to their public parking lot. Finally, Raymond Vineyards has donated their facility, amazing auction lots (Raymond had the top Auction lot this year at Napa Valley Auction) and thousands of cases of wine to great organizations such as The Land Trust, Festival del Sol, Napa Valley Hospice, Napa Valley Wine Auction, Boys and Girls Club and the Napa Valley Film Festival.
Raymond Vineyards' goal has always been to create a unique and educational experience for their guests but they are also fully committed to the local communities and the environment.
For these reasons, I support the approval of Raymond Vineyards Use Permit.