I support Parole for Russell Hinson #0185129

Russell Hinson, born in 1959 and the oldest of four sons, was raised in Union County NC. He attended Fairview and Piedmont High School, also Zion Methodist Church. His parents divorced in his early teens and his father raised him. Russell served in the US Army, married three times and was employed fulltime. He fell prey to drugs and alcohol which eventually led to his arrest and conviction for murder in 1993.
During twenty-two years of confinement (as of January 2015) Russell has matured emotionally and spiritually. While he was attending Bible classes he found God and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He harbors no animosity toward anyone for their actions and influences or lack of same upon his arrest and trial. He has learned that often those who declare themselves your friend usually are not and that trust is precious. Russell also attended Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Russell is ready to rejoin society as a law abiding productive citizen. He has completed numerous trade classes (Diesel Engine Repair, Carpentry, Welding, Computer Repair, Industrial Wiring and Masonry). He worked in the fields at Caledonia, made license plates at Central, worked in the kitchen at Nash C.I., and worked in the prison sewing plant as a joiner and a mechanic. He is prepared to work when he is released. A former employer stated he has a job for Russell when he gets back home. Russell will live in the house where he grew up, a rural area populated by many of his relatives where he will have abundant emotional support.
There is no reason for Russell to continue to be a burden on the taxpayers because he has served his time, suffered the consequences of his actions and has paid the price with almost twenty-two productive years of his life plus the loss of his family. He was sentenced to Life under the Fair Sentencing Act (Structured Sentencing Act started 10/1/1994). The D.O.C. is still using the three year parole hearing rule from October, 2008 on all 1st and 2nd degree murder charges sentenced under the Fair Sentencing Act (1981 - 1994), a law that was enacted fourteen years after the last person was sentenced in 1994. It is apparent that if any new law hurts those sentenced under the Fair Sentencing Act, it applies; but, if it would help them, it is not retroactive. This three-year parole hearing rule needs to be amended to one year parole hearings for those sentenced from 1981 to 1994.
We therefore request a parole hearing in January of 2015 for Russell B. Hinson #0185129 resulting in a favorable decision.