I Stand With Reid
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
"Cary CheshireFailure to submit financial records, failure to send letters as stipulated by Senate action, failure to provide updates on other legislation (we don't know what else he as failed on as a result), poor management of the Executive Cabinet, poor management of the entirety of SGA... The list is rather long."
Stating that "We don't know what else he has failed on" clearly shows that this isn't about the benefit of SGA and the Student Body, but Cary's animosity towards Reid Joseph. Reid Joseph has done SO MUCH for Texas A&M University and we need to rally together, once again, to get ROWDY FOR REID!!
Reid Joseph, who started a BUILD initiative that spent hours in the rain with 300 members building houses, who is a Ross Volunteer for the Governor of Texas, who was on Muster Council and Traditions Council, was Most Outstanding Fish in the Corps, who quadrupled the number of letters sent to families regarding Silver Taps, hasrepeatedly shown an undying love for Texas A&M and furthering the Aggie Spirit!
Cary Cheshire has attacked his character by calling on his "integrity, honesty, and honor and a duty" in stating "I would not be going through withthis if I did not believe that Student Body President Reid Joseph had not infringed upon these values..."
If you Stand with Reid, please sign this petition! Cary Cheshire is NOT showing the Aggie Spirit by calling out a fellow Ag in public his values based on some silly reports!