Ryan Unterberger

I pledge to support Target.

53 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ryan Unterberger
53 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In light of the recent pledge started by the bigoted group, AFA, to boycot Target over their "new" policy regarding transgender people's options on which bathroom to use, I decided that there should be a pledge in order to show Target that we support them.

The AFA paints this policy as opening the door for sexual predators to take advantage of others by being able to go into a bathroom, even "citing" news articles.

Here's the thing: this policy isn't new; it has been their policy, and they were only reiterating it to the public.

Take a stand and show the world that you stand with Target and that transgender persons should have equal rights. Show the world that you won't stand with a bigoted, bullying group such as the AFA.

Thank you for signing and sharing this petition.

Please help to spread love and equality.

View the hateful boycotting page here: https://afa.net/action-alerts/sign-the-boycott-tar...

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