Help the Class of 2012 Graduate at Huron School of Nursing

On Wednesday October 13th, 2010, Dr. Toby Cosgrove announced that the school is in discussions with the Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) to transition the Huron School of Nursing to Tri-C. Current students whose projected date of graduation is May 2011 will remain part of the Huron School of Nursing until graduation in May 2011, when the school will officially close. Current first and second semester students will be given the opportunity to transfer to the Division of Nursing at Tri-C effective January 1, 2011. This is an unfair decision to those students not graduating by May 2011. We ask that Dr. Cosgrove and the school make a change to this decision and allow this last class that just started in August 2010 be the last graduating class. While trying to find a Nursing Program we weighed out the Pro's and Con's between Tri-C and Huron and academically Tri-C does not stand up to Huron. We are offered more clinical time at Huron and more hands-on experience, on top of that, Hurons pass rate is higher than Tri-C on NCLEX. The two curriculums are set up completely different. All of us Huron students chose to be at Huron for a reason. If we wanted to go to Tri-C then we would have chose Tri-C to begin with. It is not fair nor realistic to the students that have already put in time, money and hard work into the school to be forced to just up and change to a curriculum that has different requirements and flexibilities. PLEASE HELP US KEEP THE CLASS OF 2012 AT HURON SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HELP THEM BECOME THE LAST GRADUATING CLASS!!!