Huntsville Alabama Christians Unite

Did you know the Huntsville City Council has allowed invocations led by wiccans and atheist. In fact the council is now allowing invocations by any and all religious groups in attempt to reflect the diverse beliefs of Huntsville's citizens. A roster is being worked on to allow Hindu, Buddhist, Baha'i, Confucian and other leaders to deliver the city council's opening prayer. Have we forgotten our nation's founding based on Christian beliefs and all the blessings we have received because of our Christian beliefs? This nation's independence, democracy, and well being throughout history were all God given blessings. Do we think becoming politically correct in the form of open prayer before city council meetings is more important than maintaining the Christian ideals that has made this country great?
If you are a Christian that supports the city council having a moment of silence instead of allowing non-Christian groups to lead the invocations then please sign the petition and let your voice be heard.