Humiliation during 6 min warm up @ Walton-le-dale high PE lessons
Hi everyone, it has come to my knowledge that some children at Walton-le-dale high school (Preston) are struggling in PE. During the 6 minute run/jog, if any child stops and walks for a second the teacher starts the 6 min run again. Therefore the fitter children get punished having to start again and the less fit children get humiliated and demoralised because the children shout at them for stopping. Personally I feel the children are being opened up to bullying from the other children, and even from the teachers. This 6 minutes can become a 20 min run by the time they are done. Then they get shouted at for wasting half the lesson!
The reason for the petition is because I now have to take my argument to the governors due to the fact the head teacher believes this is ok.
My son has severe anxiety over PE lessons now and I know of other children ending up in tears in the lessons.
I am not 'anti exercise', I would just like to see the teacher differentiate between the levels of fitness in their classes so the children can ENJOY their lessons.
We wouldn't penalise the children in English who aren't great spellers so why are the non sporty children treat like there is something wrong with them and penalised for not managing the run.
My suggestion for change would be 6 minutes of 6 different warm up exercises. Or if a child can't manage the 6 minutes run they can do as much as they can then walk for 30 seconds and try again. NO PUNISHMENTS!!
To email your own views to the head teacher-