Request for Delivering Pizza on behalf of School to every Student during Lockdown

46 signers. Add your name now!
Class XI SCIENCE 0 Comments
46 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

During Lock down, many students are not being able to eat tasty foods due to the resources being not available. So the parents are not being able to supply their children the food they want.

The major problems are

** Seeing other students eating sumptuos food through their status and not being able to eat those themselves

**This severely affects the mental health of the students who are already affected by the impacts of the global pandemic

This in further leads to frustration and disdain, even causing feuds between the families when the child is not able to eat what he wants

**This in turn affects his studies, for he/she is only able to concentrate on the mouth-watering foods and not on the complex and boring equations of physics or laws of chemistry

Therefore, it's our humble request to deliver one large pizza to each student's house so that he/she can satisfy his/her appetite, and thus causing his/her Enterochromaffin cells to secrete serotonin, further increasing his concentration in studies.

A pizza a day keeps depression away!

[P.S.- We are really humble and don't want to be too much demanding. So if at all it isn't possible to deliver a large pizza to every student's house, other items which will do are- Biriyani (with raita), chilli chicken/corn (of course with fried rice or noodles), or chicken/paneer rezala (with butter nun). An ice-cream to be included with this is also desirable.]

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