HSE - Re-open home care to new applicants

*Since starting this petition, Health Minister Simon Harris has said there are not set to be cut to home care, or home care packages, but additional hours. I've decided to keep the petition up to show people's passion and care for home care.
In Ireland, the HSE (Health Service Executive) has largely closed home care for elderly people still on waiting lists. This is mostly closed until next November and that's just not ok.
As Irish Examiner noted, over SIX THOUSAND people are on waiting lists, in desperate need of this help and simply, they should have it. On top of that, HSE 'can't guarantee' those needing more support will get it.
I'm doing this petition to convince the HSE to change this and give as much care as possible to those who need it, here being the elderly, which is only right and really shouldn't cost much compared to not doing it.
Thank you.