How could this happen in America
Mary Peacock 0

How could this happen in America

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Mary Peacock 0 Comments
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The new health care program about to be implamented is a big slap in the face to the American people. My question is how could this happen? And I believe partly that we have taught the younger generation that it's all about them. They come first and they know it. They grew up knowing it. Some of them, a lot of them, have no use for the elderly or the unborn. They don't feel respect for the elderly. There is no valule in an old person. They only cost the government so lets cut $500 billion from medicare. These, the younger generation, are the people running things now. It is our fault that we taught the younger generation to think the way that they do. They, some of them, have total disregard for those of us about to retire. Now we are being thrown aside like rubbish out of disrespect. Of course the government employees won't be under the same health care program and why wouldn't they want this health care which they so diligently, so admantly, so desperately jamed down the throats of the American people. I have thought about our system and have wondered if with the opposition just to prove power if politicians would watch the United States fall apart. It seems like a power struggle between the parties and no one is looking out for the American people.

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