Hotel Development Indigo Bay Estates Sint Maarten
The owners and residents at Indigo Bay Estates, have taken notice of a press release published recently via local media in St. Maarten towards the proposed development of a luxury hotel at Indigo Bay Estates.
Based on the information presented, the projected development of a high-end hotel and related amenities at Indigo Bay Estates would diversify and upgrade St. Maarten’s entire tourism industry, as well as generate new jobs and new tax income for the Country. This is most needed, especially during these trying times. The presented quality of the proposed hotel development and amenities in the opinion of the owners and residents at Indigo Bay Estates will be a tremendous asset to Indigo Bay Estates and to the island in general.
The owners and residents at Indigo Bay Estates herewith affix their signatures in explicit support of the proposed hotel development, as an expression of their approval and endorsement.