Hotel Fire Safety - You Decide
When you book into a hotel in Europe you have no indication if that hotel meets minimum fire safety standards, many don't but you will never know until a fire occurs or the hotel is prosecuted for failing to comply. Many people do not realise that the hotel owner is responsible for carrying out a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) which they are allowed to do without any consultation with an expert or local authority and it is not until a fire occurs or the hotel has a visit from the authorities that the FRA is found to be incorrect. In the UK only a small percentage of hotels are inspected each year and over 50% fail - what is it like in your country? I want the European Commission to adopt a system of Fire Safe Hotels where it provides a database of Fire Safe Hotels that meet minimum fire safety standards such as is available in the USA see This system gives the traveller the choice to choose a hotel that meets minimum fire safety standard instead of hoping that the owner has got it right.