Make Guan throw his horse
So it seems that Hi-Rez may be adding a horse to Guan's kit. I'm not sure what they were intending to do with the horse but I think it would be optimal if Guan were to use his horse as a projectile. Here's how the ability would work.
Guan's trusty steed gallops into the field of battle from the distance. Guan quickly picks up the horse by the hooves and swings it over his head a few times before throwing. The horse slams side first into the targeted location knocking up those in the area and causing massive damage. It will behave similarly to Bacchus' leap and I think it's exactly what guan needs to be more viable. Maybe to add a bit of realism we could have the horse explode when it lands on the target to justify the amount of damage it would cause. Getting hit with a horse would hurt but considering Hercules throws a boulder I think there would need to be something extra to match its intensity.
I think this would be great for the much anticipated guan re-work. If a mod could pop in and let me know if the designers have seen this it would be greatly appreciated. I think this is going in same direction you guys are trying to go in by more heavily correlating with the lore.
Let me know what you guys think!
~ Glickstick
heres a link to the reddit post