Against Horseland Home Page Changes

UPDATED 3/15! Home Page Changes 3/13/2008 10:58:53 AM EST USA As previously announced, we have made some changes to the type of HTML that can be used in players home page. Most people will not notice any difference. A few people may have to make some adjustments to their home page. Here is what changed: 1. We no longer allow remote style sheets (these are style sheets located on other computers). You can still use style tags and CSS located within your home page. 2. Make sure to use the correct (long) url for links. This applies to Horseland pages also. (for example: instead of "/vownersd.hlid=1234" use http://www.horseland.com/vownersd.hlid=1234) 3. Don\'t use HTML comments. 4. We do not allow layouts that cover up the ads or navigation at the top of the page. If you have a cover-up layout, please remove it. We will give warnings to those who do not remove them, then they will be cleared by staff. Thanks, Horseland Staff ----- ^ These are the changes we have had to endure. Layout making -- a huge business on HL; without it, many players are left without ways to make money. Players go bankrupt. Players quit. Horseland loses their $30 per year paying customers. Having a gorgeous layout is no longer a luxury provided to us on HL. The quality of the game is disintegrating. We have to do something about this. --- [Update 3/15] - This petition is not at all about cover-up layouts. Most people couldn\'t care less about them. Layouts look just as good without covering up Horseland\'s ads. We aren\'t looking to make Horseland lose money from covering ads. We just want to be able to import our own CSS. It\'s harmless to the ads!