King Road Quiet Zone Petition

We, the undersigned, petition the Town of Chili and all other local governing bodies, to establish the King Road railway crossing, (crossing #514533G) in North Chili, as a Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) approved train horn Quiet Zone (QZ). We ask the Town Board, and all other local governing bodies, to remedy the noise pollution problem caused by the train whistle by: 1. Having the Chili Town Board put on the agenda to research, contact appropriate personnel, and file an intent to create a new, 24 hour, quiet zone at the King Road railway crossing. 2. Having the Chili Town Board set as a priority a plan for ways to fund establishing the King Road railway crossing in Chili as a quiet zone, which could be as low as $13,000. The neighborhoods surrounding the King Road railway crossing in Chili are suffering from the noise caused by the train whistle. The shrill noise at all hours of the day and night are detracting from the positive reasons for living in this community. The FRA has made it possible for local governments and municipalities to virtually eliminate all of the noise pollution caused by train whistles at crossings, through the establishment of a QZ. This can be accomplished by upgrading crossings with supplemental safety measures (SSMs). With certain Supplemental Safety Measures (SSM