Petition To Preserve The Hoosier Valley Range

To The Michigan Department Of Natural Resources. We, the sportsmen of Blair Township and Michigan as a whole formally request that that Unofficial Gun Ranges on Hoosier Valley Be kept open, and without heavy handed restriction. We Propose: -Shooting Hours: 1 hour after sun-up to dusk or 9pm whichever comes earlier. -No use of exploding Targets (Tannerite, for example) -No Shooting of Household items, or appliances (TV's, Computers, etc.) These compromises address all the major complaints of the people opposed to the ranges at Hoosier. Some of the limits proposed at the meeting are ludicrous. Limiting the number of rounds in a firearm is next to impossible to enforce, and furthermore it prevents the normal use of 99% of all sporting firearms. It also ensures that responsible shooters cannot practice self defense shooting, which without feeling the recoil of a shot and following up is impossible. Banning steel targets is also unacceptable, the use of proper steel targets hold almost no ricochet risk beyond 10 yards. These Targets are a waste-free eco-friendly solution that are used worldwide in shooting competitions. We humbly ask for you to use common sense in creating any land use rules. Many of the complaints you received at the meeting were irrational and based out of a fear of firearms and an ignorance of how guns work. Other complaints that were levied at the meeting had nothing to do with the informal ranges and were based on the actions of people knowingly breaking the law. We acknowledge the need for change at the ranges, and feel the rules listed above will alleviate many of the complaints adequately. Once again, please don't damage the long history of our township's sporting and outdoor heritage through overreaching regulations. -Sincerely, Sportsman of Northern Michigan.