Hooria, read 'Twilight'!

This petition is to get our once dear friend Hooria to read 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer. Although Hooria once received magnitudes of love from her amazing friends, she is now being fiercely rejected by most of them... why Because she is being utterly ignorant and stubborn :P We would understand her hatred towards this wonderful series and blasphemous comments like "Twilight is stupid!". "I hate it!", "Its so nerdy!", etc., if the woman had actually read it, but no, she hasn't. Of course, we do still love Hooria. And because we love her so much, we want to help cure this ignorance of hers. It is now our mission to have (and force if need be) Hooria to read 'Twilight' by the end of the school year. As we've promised her, we will succeed. Please help us convince her by signing this petition. Much love! - Hooria's friends :) Ps. We actually do love Hooria. Yes, we know this is over-the-top but its really just a joke, she knows it too. She loves us dearly. She can't believe how so many people love this "stupid" book and claims that she will "NEVER EVER EVER EVER READ IT". We are going to prove her wrong. She will read it. And even though she claims to hate reading, she will love it. As she loves us :P