Dear All, I have created this petition to encourage the college to consider offering an award in reognition of an outstanding contribution towards medical student representation to Bala Karunakaran (year 4 medical student). Or as an alternative, alert you to the existence of the KCL Jelf Medal and use this petition as support towards nominating Bala for the Jelf Medal. I would appreciate your signature so as to be able to present this completed petition to King's College London Vice-Principal and Dean of Medicine to convince the college to honour, by means of an award recognising the unrivalled and more importantly, the undocumented substantial efforts made by Bala to King's College London School of Medicine over the past 4-5 years. It is only fair that such efforts are commended. If you believe Bala has contributed to your time at King's or towards your future in the medical profession via BMA involvement, please sign this petition. If you do not feel comfortable signing the petition with your name for viewing purposes, please leave your student number instead. Please do try to keep this a secret from Bala, as it would be great for this to be a surprise- should the college recognise our support. Please ensure your friends know about the petition and consider signing it. Many Thanks, Alexander Kumar, MBBS 4