Homeless Overflow-E4th Street Corridor

Homeless Overflow-E4th Street Corridor
The increasing homeless population that utilizes services on the East 4th Street corridor has caused image, cleanliness and safety issues that are affecting the economic viability of East 4th Street and the City of Reno. The service providers do not have the resources to effectively accommodate the thousands of destitute people that come to the area seeking aid. Hence, there is an overflow of vagrants loitering in the street, sleeping in businesses entryways, pitching tents on the sidewalks, defecating on public and private properties, badgering patrons and passersby for assistance, and contributing to all elements that make an area a “bad side of town.”
The East 4th Street corridor is a business route, a historic highway, the backyard of the Reno Aces Ballpark, and the neighbor of a new technology center that will offer opportunities for commercial, social, and financial improvement for this district and the City of Reno alike. As tax-paying citizens and business owners, we are striving to beautify and contribute to the economic growth of the area. Solving the image, cleanliness and safety problems concerning East 4th Street is paramount to accomplishing both the district and City of Reno’s goal and vision of a thriving metropolis.
The residents, merchants and patrons of East 4th Street feel that the City of Reno has used the this corridor as a dumping ground for these people and demand that the City of Reno address this issue immediately. We call upon the City of Reno, and all its municipalities, to provide resources to solve this homeless overflow issue and collaborate with those affected to find real solutions for this mutual problem that negatively impacts current and future business. Working together, we can quell the above stated health and safety issues and take a publicly noticeable step towards the revival Reno.
Proposed Solutions:
-Open unused city owned properties for overflow usage
- Enforce public urination and defecation ordinances
-Reach out to state and federal government for financial resources
-Collaborate with local non-profit groups for resources and innovative ideas
We the undersigned, petition the City of Reno and all its municipalities to provide resources and find solutions to the homeless overflow problem that is causing image, cleanliness, health and safety issues on the E4th Street corridor.