Hold WHSAA, Inc. Accountable

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Adam B. signed just now

As a proud Western High School Alumnae, I would like to proceed with officer elections at the June 2015 General Body Meeting.

This election will:
1. Elect new interim officers who will begin their term on July 1, 2015
2. Approve the updated by laws of the organization

Below are the current conditions of WHSAA, Inc. A copy of the bylaws can be obtained from any executive board member of WHSAA, Inc.

Our alma mater, Western High School, needs your support in maintaining the dignity, reputation, and standards that made us proud graduates. The opportunity of influence we have for Western is through our alumnae association, but the lack of board compliance and focus has minimized this effect. The primary mission of the Association is to acquire and provide material and human resources in support of Western High School, and to foster and preserve the high academic, social, economic and professional standards associated with the school since its inception in 1844.

The leadership of the current alumnae association’s board has lacked in supporting the mission and is in violation of the bylaws which could potentially jeopardize the organizations non-profit status. Current violations include:

No election since 2010 and no intentions on holding one until 2016 - Association elections occur every two years at the general Association meeting in June for the fiscal years ending in even numbers;

Exceeding term of office - The term of office for all board officials is two years which would have expired in 2014 for the current term;

Exceeding consecutive terms of office - No elected official may serve more than two consecutive terms in a specific office. Current executive board have exceeded their consecutive term; President, Vice-President and Treasurer

Executive board is to consist of a minimum of 7 elected officials (President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian) and 9 appointed positions- Board had been operating without this minimum requirement;

Not holding regular general meeting to inform general association membership business - The Association is to hold regularly scheduled general meetings every October, February, and June. Last regular meeting was held October 2014.

It’s time for a board that is compliant and has the best interest of our dear Western at heart. DON’T LET THE VOICE OF ALUMNAE DIE!!! We must take action to:

Elect New Interim Officers to fulfill the remaining of the 2014 – 2016 term and fill the positions that have sat vacant

Appoint standing committee chairs as outlined by the bylaws to execute Association programs, as determined by the voting membership, the Executive and Advisory Board

Develop standing general body meetings for the Board to share activities and accomplishments towards the organizations mission

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