Hold FSCJ responsible for their negligence

Many students affected by FSCJ staff negligence are left to pay $1000's of dollars, of which they don’t have. Why? All because staff at the Florida State College of Jacksonville FAILED to do their job. They issued several million dollars in Federal Pell Grant money to students who at the time thought they were eligible for the money. Now that the school has been audited and fined $515,000 in fines for not following the rules set by the federal government these students are left to repay the money or be turned over to collections. FSCJ spokesman told Times Union "students are to blame because they fell below standards and therefore had to apply for appeals to get Pell Grants in the first place - even though FSCJ employees signed off. The college also says state law requires that it attempt to collect debts students owe." We did not obtain this money illegally or by misrepresented terms. The money owed is owed by the school NOT THE STUDENTS> this petition is to force the school to take blame for their mistakes and take accountability for their mistake..FSCJ, YOU PAY THE MONEY OWED... This is not the student’s responsibility.
IF you are a student that has received a bill for this please add the facebook group for important information regarding this matter the link is under links or below: