NHL Fans Boycott
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

This petition is made for hockey fans, at their request. Under Bettman, the NHL is having the 3rd lockout in the past 20 years. This is a record unlikely to be matched by any other sport in North America.
Hockey fans are very passionate people and they deserve better. Many fans have told me they no longer care about the lockout negotiations, or even about the NHL in general.
A message needs to be sent to the people disrespecting hockey fans, by not helping them get even richer. By signing this, you are urged to refrain as much as possible from purchasing NHL merchandise/ food/drink at NHL arenas/shops/online.
This lockout has lingered for too long, especially after Fehr said "We are very close" and Daly said "Yes we will have a season". Boycott the NHL and hurt them in the only place they really care, the wallet. Same goes to sponsors if you are reading this. As fans of the game of hockey, people need to stand united.