HK Govt has to allow Home Quarantine - be prudent, logical and save resources

Royalton in Pok Fu Lam had one +ve Covid19 case on 4May. Dept of Health (DH) has issued orders for all residents to be quarantined at Penny's Bay quarantine center (QC) for 21 days. We have offered for each apartment to be sealed with residents inside for 21 days (same as QC), our building has CCTV cameras at every corner which we offered to share with DH (same as QC) and residents have offered to wear a tracker for 21 days (same as QC). Mainland China practised this, and proven successful. We hope not, but your building could be next. HK has to be practical and allow home quarantine and save QC for where home quarantine is not possible. Why are residents being cramped up at QC? Royalton and many bldgs are well equipped and the govt needs to recognise this and be logical with their policy. Please comment and support.