No Supermarket at "the Hive"

We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to this development application, currently lodged with the Council of the City of Sydney, being approved. Despite the majority of Erskineville residents, the SCC, and the LEC rejecting a similar development plan for a supermarket at 21 Erskineville Road in 2008, the same Developer has lodged this new application. We believe that, while the proposed new supermarket is smaller than the rejected original, the plethora of negative issues surrounding the new development is substantially the same. In response, yet again, we state that we do not want Erskineville Village destroyed - noise levels increased, traffic congestion increased, safety for our children and elderly on the streets dramatically decreased, and the business of our small shop keepers decimated – in short, our way of life completely changed by such an inappropriate development. We therefore appeal to Clover Moore, Mayor of the City of Sydney, and her Councilors, to save Erskineville again, by rejecting this new application for a Supermarket at The Hive on Erskineville Road.