Hiring Freeze for Langlois Librarian/Director
We the undersigned have a strong preference for a local Library Director with a proven track record of managing the Library and working with the Langlois Community. The decision of the Langlois Library Board to displace local workforce, to bring in an out of state hire needs to be explained to the taxpayers in a public forum.
Until this clarification a hiring freeze for Library Director should be in place.
PLEASE ATTEND MEETING 6PM Wednesday 9/12 at Library
Here is the posting.
There will be a special session the Board of Directors of the Langlois Public Library (ORS 192.640).
The meeting will be called to order at 6:00 PM at the Langlois Public Library, Wednesday, September 12th, 2012.
- Statement by Chair of the Board
- Statement by Sandy House
Please view the links to the right obtained starting with a simple name search + librarian.
Video - Former library administrator suing Lake City, local officials - KTTC www.kttc.com/story/19021337/librarian-prepares-to-sue-lake-city
Librarian terminated from job http://postbulletin.com/news/stories/display.php?id=1489379
Threatened litigation regarding the termination process
Complaint - Powered by WorldNow ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kttc/Sheryl%20Mooers%20Complaint.pdf
City felt need to use police to escort librarianoff premises http://www.wxow.com/story/19027645/librarian-prepares-to-sue-lake-city
Former Lake City librarian sues city - Post Bulletin postbulletin.com/news/stories/display.php?id=1503689
79 pages of court documents (also labeling Sherry Mooers as “library administrator” (not Director!) http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kttc/Sheryl%20Mooers%20Complaint.pdf
B) Position at Red Feathers Library, CO
Red Feather Lakes library needs to fill two positions - (attached) http://www.northfortynews.com/Archive/A20100319_RFLlibraryJobOpenings.htm
Mooers Calls out her Library Board (under "Administrative Matters" - to have them looked into) http://larimer.org/bcc/2010/BC100222.htm
C) Other
Hiring Minutes http://ci.lake-city.mn.us/vertical/Sites/%7B95AE24C2-7B77-4EE6-9D85-64F563A03DED%7D/uploads/%7BAFAD86B8-B0D5-453D-8B5C-514A4F6C57EA%7D.PDF
Termination of probationary employee - Minutes
Loudermill Hearing minutes? http://ci.lake-city.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7B95AE24C2-7B77-4EE6-9D85-64F563A03DED%7D/uploads/030612specialperscommittee_Agenda.pdf